Stasis dermatitis is changes in the skin that occur when blood collects (pools) in the veins of the lower leg.
Venous stasis ulcers; Ulcers - venous; Venous ulcer
Venous insufficiency is a long-term (chronic) condition in which the veins have problems sending blood from the legs back to the heart.
Some people with venous insufficiency develop stasis dermatitis. Blood pools in the veins of the lower leg. Fluid and blood cells leak out of the veins into the skin and other tissues. This may lead to itching, which causes more skin changes.
You may have symptoms of venous insufficiency, which include a dull aching or heaviness in the leg and pain that gets worse when you stand.
At first, the skin of the ankles and lower legs may look thin or tissue-like. You may slowly get brown stains on the skin.
If you scratch the area, the skin may become irritated or crack. It may also become red or swollen, crusted, or weepy.
Over time, some skin changes become permanent:
Skin sores (ulcers) may develop (called a venous ulcer or stasis ulcer). These most often form on the inside of the ankle.
The diagnosis is primarily based on the appearance of the skin. Your doctor may order tests to examine the blood flow in your legs.
You may take the following steps to manage venous insufficiency, which is causing stasis dermatitis:
Caring for and treating the skin can help the problem, or may make it worse. Talk with your health care provider before using any lotions, creams, or antibiotic ointments. Avoid:
Treatments your health care provider may suggest include:
Stasis dermatitis is often a long-term (chronic) condition.
Call for an appointment with your health care provider if you develop leg swelling or symptoms of stasis dermatitis. Watch for signs of infection:
To prevent this condition, control the causes of peripheral edema.
Habif TP. Eczema and hand dermatitis. In: Habif TP, ed. Clinical Dermatology. 5th ed. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby Elsevier; 2009:chap 3.